The humble pancake

I am sure you are all busy contemplating what pancakes you are going to enjoy on Shrove Tuesday, next week and at Tylney Hall we are delighted to be serving a selection of sweet pancakes in our Oak Room Restaurant. 

Now we all know why we eat pancakes every Shrove Tuesday but a fascinating fact I recently discovered is that pancakes are thought to be one of the earliest widespread cereal foods to have been eaten in prehistoric times! Ok… so it’s not the most jaw-dropping piece of history you have ever heard but it is quite amazing to think of people all around the world eating a variation of the same dish for thousands of years!

From the well-known Crêpe enjoyed across Europe to the savoury rice pancakes of Nepal, this simple food is a staple in cuisines throughout the world. 

If I have made you want to travel the world and try as many different pancakes as possible, why not start at Tylney Hall with next Tuesday 9th February. 

To book a table in our Oak Room Restaurant, please telephone our Reservations Team on 01256 764881 or email 

Stephen Hine - Executive Head Chef